The Snohomish Community Food Bank is a nonprofit organization (501 C 3) in the City of Snohomish whose mission is to serve nutritious foods to families in need.
At the Snohomish Community Food Bank we pride ourselves on the level of quality that we provide to our clients in both food choices and customer service.
We are truly thankful for the local community, businesses, and volunteers which allow us to be a resource for our clients!
We offer two times a week for our clients to come shop at our food bank. Tuesdays from 3pm-6pm and Fridays from 10am-1pm. The first hour of both services is reserved for Senior Citizens (62+).
This program provides weekend groceries to high school and middle school students in the Snohomish School District, who are experiencing food insecurity.
Our Home Delivery Program is essential to providing nutritious food for our most vulnerable clients: the elderly and disabled. Once a week we call each client for a wellness check and grocery order and a team of volunteers box and deliver the groceries right to their doorstep.
Our Infant Program provides formula, baby food, infant cereal, wipes and diapers to families with babies.
Where people and pets unite, our Pet Food Program provides dog and cat food to help guarantee that even our furry friends have access to food.
Our Pre-Pack Program provides groceries for people that are houseless and other clients who do not have access to regular cooking facilities. We pack bags with food that are easy to open and prepare. We also include fresh fruit, vegetables, bread and hygiene products.
We drive shoppers home with their groceries during Tuesday’s services. Shoppers must live in the City of Snohomish and find a way to get to the food bank during service hours.