The Snohomish School District’s Kids’ Café program typically serves more than 25,000 breakfasts and lunches in the summer to kids who otherwise would go without. This program is primarily funded by the federal government, however donations and grant money provide critical funds that support this vital community program. Costs supported by grants and donations include non-federally funded meal sites, fuel and vehicle costs, program marketing (postage, postcards, banners, A boards), volunteer identification (t-shirts, aprons, etc.) and more. In addition, throughout the school year, district families in poverty get their food through the Snohomish Community Food Bank and its many critical programs.
Donations can be sent to:
- Snohomish School District, c/o Kids’ Café Program (attn: Kristin Foley), 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290
- Snohomish Community Food Bank, c/o Kids’ Café Program, PO Box 1364, Snohomish WA 98291
Since the program’s inception in 2010, Kids’ Cafe has received substantial financial and volunteer support from a number of donors and community organizations. Without them, this program would not be possible. Thank you!
Donors and generous supporters include:
- Bickford Ford
- Boy Scouts of America
- Chartwells
- Alexander and Jeannette Golitzin
- Home Depot
- Hope Church
- Kla Ha Ya Days Festival
- Kohl’s Cares
- Nordstrom Cares
- Skanska
- Snohomish Boys and Girls Club
- Snohomish Community Church
- Snohomish Community Food Bank
- Snohomish Foursquare Church
- Snohomish Kiwanis Club
- Sodexo
- Tulalip Tribes